GENRE (s): Horror / Cosmic Horror / Family Drama / Family Dysfunction
Middle-aged brothers Charlie and Cal return to the mysterious, possibly conscious farmhouse where they experienced a tumultuous three months of their early childhood... a time which ended in chaos and violence for their family.
Inspirations: Inspired by a conversation with my older brother a short time after my mother's death. | Inspired by my life at six, just prior to my parents' divorce when we lived for a year in a rustic farmhouse on the SD prairie.
Proposed Tagline:"All that it has seen, it will use."
Number: This is my first novel.
Drafts: A sixth and "final" draft is complete.
Queries: The query process is well underway.
Contracts: While ultimately rejected because of terms, in summer 2024, two indie publishers made offers on What the House Saw.
Literary Inspirations: The works of Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft and Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House
Musical Inspirations: Most frequently on the turntable while the novel was written -- Anne Murray's Greatest Hits. The song, "Could I Have This Dance?" is referenced in the book.